Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Marijuana: Myths

The movement for the freedom to use Marijuana has been a controversial global issue. Marijuana (Cannabis Savita) is derived from the dried leaves and flowers of the Cannabis plant and is the most common form of Cannabis. It has been used for thousands of years and is one  the three most widely used recreational substances alongside alcohol and cigarettes. It however has been treated as an ugly illegal drug for the last half century in many countries, including the USA, UK and New Zealand. Despite the fact that marijuana has been prohibited, surprisingly it has been the most in-demand illicit drug as well as resulting in many people being apprehended for using it. New Zealand is not an exception. Then why has it been illegal and why has the prejudice towards marijuana been formed.

The CBS News (2009) reported the reason cannabis became an illegal drug over a half century ago was simply because of prejudice against Mexican migrants who used the herb. There was no research done about it nor any evidence to support the prohibition of cannabis. Prohibiting such herb seems to make it even more popular. Although cannabis has been classified as an illegal substance, more than 100 million Americans have tried it. In fact, over 40% of its citizens support the notion that cannabis should be legalized like alcohol and tobacco.

There is an interesting video clip about a brief history of cannabis. 

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Marijuana: Facts

It has been found that marijuana has many beneficial therapeutic effects:

First of all, tons of research proves its use as an effective pain relief. According to  BBC News (2009), some studies of cancer patients by Edinburgh University shows that cannabis-based spray reduces pain by 30%. It also found that the spray helps cannabinoid receptors which intervene pain neurotransmitters from the affected area to the brain. As professor Fallon from the Cancer Research Centre in the university claims, “…cannabis-based medicines may deliver effective treatment for people with severe pain. Prescription of these drugs can be very useful in combating debilitating pain.” It has been more effective and has less adverse outcomes than morphine, the news concluded.

Secondly, cannabis does not cause cancer. The study mentioned above ruled out that the herb can increase the risk of cancer. Kaufman, in 2006 Washington Post, Study finds no cancer-marijuana connection:  This supports that even regular and heavy marijuana smokers have no link to lung cancer. This study is highly reliable as a large number of candidates, over 2200, were examined. The reporter quotes Dr. Tashkin, a pulmonologist, said “…marijuana also contains the chemical THC (delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol), which…may kill aging cells and keep them from becoming cancerous.” In contrast to the myths of marijuana causing cancer, people who smoke more than two packs of tobacco a day are 20 times more likely to have lung cancer.