Monday, April 25, 2011

Let's Decide

In conclusion, many of the benefits of marijuana and it's use as a medication have been shown here. For instance, it is an effective pain relief, it may prevent cancer, and doesn't have the negative effects of addiction that smoking tobacco and drinking alcohol do. For those who are suffering with pain and disease there must be an alternative option for medication, especially where most modern medical drugs have failed to work. Therefore the governing bodies must take heed of the enormous amount of evidence supporting the medical benefits of marijuana and safety for its use. By doing so the government may actually find this is money well spent rather than spending taxpayers money on making it illegal.


  1. Hi Love,

    I really enjoyed your blog. A great topic that many people feel very strongly about!

    Your blog introduction is really good. You lay out clearly what you are going to talk about. I also liked the video clip and the cartoon!

    I had heard about some of the benefits of cannabis, but not all of them, and I was really surprised. I didn't realise it had even been linked to preventing the growth of cancerous cells.

    The survey you mentioned, talking about the amount of medical experts who, if cannabis was legal, would happily prescribe it to their patients, was surprising as well.

    The New Zealand government should definitely be thoroughly researching this topic, especially with the amount of medical experts that would support the legalisation of cannabis. If it truly has all these benefits, surely they out-weigh the 'disadvantages'.

  2. Thanks for your comments Kelly,

    I had honestly had a prejudice against cannabis for long. However, my stance on the issue has been changed. As I have a medical background, I believe that people should have rights to choose for better alternatives. Especially, marijuana is proven as a safer substance than both alcohol and tobacco.

  3. Hey Love!

    Your choice of topic for your blog of course very controversial which makes it really interesting to read.

    The number of benefits marijuana can have in actually quite amazing, I had no idea that there were so many!

    I find it really crazy that marijuana is so frowned upon by many people in comparison to alcohol which is socially accepted but is the cause of so many problems. Problems such as violence ( causing death, serious injuries, domestic violence & abuse) medical problems etc.
    However I do understand that marijuana does has some negative affects such as loss of motivation meaning people that smoke it often end up being quite lazy and lethargic.
    Also although the level of addictiveness is quite low, i still think this affect should not be brushed aside.
    Someone I know had a "horror trip" with marijuana and i looked after them... it was horrible and since then I believe that it could have quite a negative affect on someones brain if they use it regularly.

    However i have no problem when it is used medicinally and the number of doctors who would prescribe it is quite amazing.

    But anyway, great blog Love!

  4. Hey I definitely agree with what you say about using marijuana as a pain reliever. However that's the only way it should be used and I'm pretty sure in some countries it is legal. Despite all the 'great things' marijuana can do it still kills brain cells and I know numerous adults in their forties and over who have issues because of use. I also have friends who waste their lives doing nothing except smoking weed. So giving out marijuana as a pain reliever should only be in the most extreme cases of pain and no further.

  5. Hey there.

    I am in agreement with the last two comment.
    I believe it is up to people really.
    Underage use (alcohol has these effects to), really messes up the individual.
    Plus over consumption will lead to bad results. Whether it is a bad trip or a night you can't remember.
    This substance could be legal, but there would be bad effects.
    After a long use of the drug things to change. If not noticeably day to day, there are long term effects.
    My brother has been a parole officer, and he backs me up when I say there are definite characteristics to a user.
    Weed is fine in small amounts and always we should gain any medicinal benefits that we can.
    It will always be there, to make it legal may give to much encouragement. If people want it they can get it, it isn't hard.
    But maybe by keeping it illegal then people will make good conscious decisions on what they are doing.


  6. Thanks for your comments Emma,

    That’s so true that numerous studies have proven the fetal adverse outcome of both alcohol and tobacco. I also agree that there will be some negative aspects of using marijuana. For example, using it in their early age (e.g. before 16 years) may result in increasing the chance of addiction.

    I understand that it must have been horrific what you experienced. However, I do not consider that this herb can cause of laziness and/or lethargic. It may be the other way around, lazy people may use it as their pastime.
    Some study shows that people who use marijuana often mix it with nicotine or other harmful substance or drinking alcohol. So it harms human health. Thank you for raising the issues.

  7. Hi Bex,

    Thanks for your comments. Yes, it is legal to use marijuana in some Europe countries, some states of the US (about 13 states) and Canada. Well, I have to say in terms of wasting their lives by smoking marijuana: They may probably have used it in their early age such as teen or used other harmful substances like alcohol or tobacco. If people can get medical benefits form the weed, we should reconsider it based on the research rather than coping other countries.

  8. Hi Chris,

    It's interesting to know that, as I mentioned above, making it illegal of using or cultivating of marijuana has not helped stopped people from using it.
